The Sunday 25th, September 2011 dawned bright and clear in Don Bosco, Manakkal as the youngsters from the 17 neighborhood parishes and the trichy salesian zone assembled together to ruminate on theme:“To Realize, To Overcome, To Grow & To Glow (czu;e;jpL> cilj;jpL> caue;jpL). The sole rationale of the day was to assist the participants to drive out their inferiority complex and to form effective Christian leaders. The day was launched with the creative Morning Prayer conducted by Bro. Arockiaraj and the inaugural address delivered by Fr. Santhanaraj, the Economer of the Salesian Province of Trichy. Mrs. Sherin, a human rights activist, was the main speaker of the day. She inspired the participants with her wonderful sharing, consisting both her own personal experiences as well as the present services she does. Youngsters were resolved after giving heed to talk to be authentic in their relationships and to be themselves (not trying to be someone who they are not). There was a lively debate conducted for the youngsters in the afternoon by Fr. Patrick on the topic “KO kdpj tsu;r;rpf;F fhjy; xU jilf;fy;yh? gbf;fy;yh?” The youngster took an active part in the discussion sharing their own ideas on love. No doubt that the discussion offered the youngsters a great clarity required in the understanding of integral growth of the young and the role of love in it. The whole day found its culmination in the Holy Mass offered by the Procurator of the Diocese. There is no doubt that the 150 youngsters who took part in the well animated seminar were profited a lot.