Sagaya Annai; (1989) 1999: Sivagangai


The Salesians of DBSAY wishes to create a community united with the Eucharistic Lord in spiritual communion (Spiritual). The confreres are united in love and fraternal affection (Fraternal). All the confreres are given adequate opportunity to express their individual interests and talents through shared responsibility, commitment and self-sacrifice (Mission). Together as a community we promote and contribute to the growth and development of the poor youth (Action).


The Salesian community of DBSAY wishes to express its mission of life within the community through

  • Union with the Lord in prayer
  • Foster fraternal and loving relationship
  • Provide opportunity for the young confreres to grow
  • Maximize communication channels
  • Support each other in times of difficulties

The Salesian community of DBSAY wishes to express its mission through

  • Bring spiritual renewal in the parish
  • administer sacraments
  • giving quality education in the school
  • Accompanying the young of the parish and the boardings
  • bringing awareness of agriculture and farming
  • making people eco-minded


The Salesians came to Bosco Maiyam in 1989. Fr. Vincent Durairaj, then provincial of Chennai province was invited by Most Rev. Edward Francis, then Bishop of Sivagangai to take over a parish in the diocese. The idea of ‘MAIYAM’ was new in the mind of the provincial. So he thought of a place which will be at the center from where Salesians would go to the villages around for ministry. The diocesan authorities bifurcated few villages from three parishes and made them into one parish and handed them over to Salesians. Bosco Maiyam was chosen to be the center place for 12 villages to cater for their spiritual needs. Finally the Parish of Sagaya Nagar, with Sagaya Annai as patroness was inaugurated on 08.12.1989, on the feast of Mary Immaculate. The villages belonging to this centre are: Nedungulam, Kalluvazhy, Pallithammam, Puliyadithammam, Othapunjai, Nedodai, Alagapuri, Karuvikadu, Veladithammam, and Ammapattinam. Two villages of our parish have been given to the newly erected Parish of Kalaikulam, administered by Pallotine Fathers.

Bosco Maiyam is a multi-purpose centre which eventually became a community of Salesians engaged in a variety of services for the villagers. Fr. Edward Xavier and Fr. David Job were the pioneers to start the ministry at pallithammam. They stayed in Kalluvazhy and served the people. Then they constructed the residential block at the center. The residential block was inaugurated in 1990.

The Provincial of undivided Chennai Province Rev. Fr. Vincent Durairaj sdb gave permission to start Don Bosco High School under Tamil Nadu state board Tamil medium in June 1991 and it was upgraded as Higher Secondary School in 1993. The School got its recognition on 03.06.1992. It has been supported by the Salesian Province. The benefactors of Fr. Capiaghi funded for the infrastructural development and for running of the school.  Don Bosco School Building was built and blessed on 27th June 1993. Capiaghi Memorial Hall was blessed on February 1, 2000.

            The school served the neighborhood very much. Due to attraction towards English medium, students of the neighborhood moved to English medium schools. Number of admissions came down in our school and hence boarding was started to keep up the strength in the school and to serve the poorest of the poor. Now the school is catering to the students of Sivagangai and Ramnad districts. Most of them who come to our school are first generation learners and are children of coolies. The School celebrated its Silver Jubilee on November 6, 2015 presided over by Rt. Rev. Jeromedhos Varuvel D.D. sdb, Bishop of Kuzhithurai Diocese.


PARISH: Sagaya Nagar Parish at Pallithammam consists of a main parish and 10 substations. There are 543 Catholic families. There are 15Anbiams in the Parish. Sunday Catechism is conducted in 5 sub-stations. Around 80 children attend the Sunday Catechism classes. Parish has got pious associations like Vincent De Paul and Legion of Mary and they have their regular meetings and prayer animations. There is an Altar childrenunit with 37 members. Parish has got a youth group with 31 members.

DBHSS: Don Bosco Higher secondary School has both Tamil and English medium section. There are altogether 341 students (315 for Tamil mediumin the school and 26 for English Medium). There are 317 boys and 24 girls studying in the School. The school has got a good and dedicated staff team. There are 18 teaching staff and 4 non-teaching staff.

DB MATRICULATION SCHOOL: Don Bosco Matriculation school has classes from pre-kg to 2nd standard. At present there are 37 students. The school has got 4 teaching staff and 3 non-teaching staff.

CHRISTOPHER HOME: There is a home for boys at Bosco MaiyamPallithammam assisted by Salesians and a home for girls at Nedungulam assisted by the SMA sisters. There are 154 boys and 16 girls in the home. There are 2 lay wardens2 cooks and 1 care-taker at the home.

SPOKEN ENGLISH ACADEMY: The community offers residential Spoken English training to youth and religious congregationsat their need. During summer students are given special coaching in Grammar and Spoken English.


Bosco Maiyam

Sagaya Nagar, Pallithammam PO

Kalayarkoil Via

SIVAGANGAI – 630 551

Phone:     (04575)  203809          House

                  201911                            School

                  9047676801                  Hostel

                  78268 40876                House

E-Mail:      boscomaiyamdb@gmail.com, 

URL:         www.boscomaiyam.com

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