The leaders of Tiruchy Province, had two days of animation on Spiritual Direction on 08 and 09 of March 2019 at Don Bosco Manikandam Trichy.
Father Kuzhandai Raj SJ animated the Leaders on this topic, Spiritual Direction and invited all the leaders to cultivate this art of healing and guiding people which is the need of the hour. He explained, ‘what is spiritual direction and what is not,’ the importance and the necessity of spiritual direction.
The resource person emphasized the fact that Spiritual direction leads to spiritual progress, more joy, serenity, faith and optimism, better community living, more altruistic attitude and less self – seeking, more mission orientation, more discipline, humility and gratitude.It is in spiritual direction that people find relief for all their troubles and anxieties.
Theleaders extended their appreciation and gratitude to Father Kuzhandai for facilitating them to be more oriented towards spiritual direction and be available to make people experience God’s peace and Joy. This programme was arranged by Father Agilan the Vice Provincial.