Every year, Bharat Scouts and Guides movement of Tamil Nadu conducts a three-day selection camp for Rajyapuraskar Award. In the camp, the skills of students are evaluated under various disciplines like law, promise, salute and sign, handshake, prayer song, flag song, National Anthem, pioneering, wood graft signs, drill, first aid, distance estimation, trestle making, map making and tent pitching by the external examiners from various districts.
A hundred scouts would be selected from every educational district for the award, presented by the Governor. It is useful for the students to get jobs in Railways, BSNL and Doordarsan as it is considered an additional qualification in Central PSUs.
Rajayapuraskar Award Test Camp for the Trichy Region of Don Bosco District Association was conducted from 26 – 28 July, 2019 at Don Bosco Youth Village, Keeranur. A total of 167 Scouts and Guides (97 Scouts and 70 Guides) from Don Bosco and Auxilium Schools of Trichy Province participated in the Test Camp. All the participants were assembled one day prior to the Test Camp and were prepared well for the examination. Ms. Chitra appeared as the Chief Examiner for the Scouts section and Mr. Anthonysamy assisted her in the examination; Ms. Devi came as the Chief Examiner for Guides section and Ms. Usha assisted her in the examination respectively. The camp had its usual routine of Flag procedure, Tent Pitching, Inspection and written and oral test on the syllabus. The students enthusiastically participated in all the test activities of the camp and learned more skills on Scouting. This was a fine opportunity to exhibit their skills and leadership qualities.
Sr. Margaret, DC (G) and Mr. Guna, DOC of Don Bosco District Association were fully present during the camp and assisted the students to participate well in the test activities. A word of appreciation to all the Scout Masters and Guide Captains who prepared the students for the test camp and particularly to Mr. Peter and Mr. Munaf who visited the schools and prepared the students on Scouting syllabus.