The Province has a youth movement with 25 registered clubs which are initiated to respond aptly to the requirements and necessities of each locality. The youth play an active role in most of our centres. Responsibilities are shared with them and they lead a good number of our village animation, organization of self help groups, community development programmes, spot study of the villages to do need analysis etc…A good number of lay people, religious and members of the Salesian Family, Cooperators and Past Pupils collaborate with the Salesian fathers and brothers in this glorious task which the Province acknowledges as God’s work. If not for these dedicated men and women, we would have reached nowhere and we place on record the enormous sacrifices these people make in our journey towards our goal.

Fr. Vimalan Santiagu
Bro. Sagayaraj Madalaimuthu
Fr. Vincent Vijayan
Fr. John Barnabas
Fr. Arockia Monsingh
Fr. Albert Yesudoss
Mr. Muneeshwaran